Winter Wildlife Field Days 2021
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Hi kids! Today we will learn all about birds!
You will also send a post card and drawing to a student in Guanajuato, Mexico!
The Aves Compartidas program connects students in the Willamette River Watershed in Oregon with students in the Laja River Watershed in Guanajuato, Mexico through shared migratory birds.
Have you ever wondered what birds are saying when they sing and call? Watch the video about “Bird Songs and Calls” to learn more about bird language!
Now it’s your turn! Go outside and draw a sound map of your neighborhood. **add examples of sound maps
Here are some of the common birds that you might see in the Willamette Valley…how many of these can you find? **images of birds with their calls – local bird checklist?
Make a drawing of one or more birds that you see, or pick your favorite local bird.
Write a postcard to a student in Mexico using this template (google link). If you don’t speak Spanish, you can use google translate (insert link) to translate your responses into Spanish.
Use the link below or email a picture of your artwork to: or
We will mail all of the postcards and drawings that we receive to students in the Laja!
Looking for more videos and activities?